Why Jesus Conversations

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Why Jesus? Every one of us has a different answer to that question. Every answer is unique and needs to be celebrated. I believe these stories also need to be told, so I am offering a space for you to tell those stories. This is a time for you to share why Jesus matters to you. Why do you come to church? What are your hopes and dreams for our church and our community? What do you love to do? What are you passionate about? These are the types of things that I would love to hear about. As well as about your life, family, and everything!
To put it plainly, this is a time for you to share who you are with me and for me to share his story with you as well! It is a time for us to get to know one another better. So please consider signing up for a time to have a conversation. I am offering the date and time, asking that you fill in the location. We can meet at the church, at your home, for coffee, for lunch, for a sporting event, and everywhere else in between. There are some evening slots, so if you want Rachel, Lincoln, and myself over for dinner, that is a possibility as well! If there is not a time that works for you, please sign up in the section titled “Can’t Find a Time,” and I will reach out and schedule one directly with you.
I look forward to hearing your stories and the many ways that God has been present in your life!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Lee